Nelle scorse settimane ho ripreso in mano ago e filo per ricamare bavaglie e salviette a punto croce per l'asilo e, già che c'ero, ho finito un gufetto che avevo inziato tempo fa. Poi ho aggiunto un po' di cotone come imbottitura, ho cucito un nastro con i pon-pon, ...e il gufo è finito in questo LO realizzato sequendo lo schema # 156 di Pencillines (che in questi giorni festeggia il 3° compleanno con giveaways e tutorials a volontà!).
In the last few weeks I did some cross-stitching for my boy's bibs and towels for kindergarten. Then I finished a little owl I had left half done, I added some cotton and pon-pons ribbon ...and now the owl is in this LO- I did it following sketch #156 by Pencillines (It's their third birthday, there are free tutorials and giveaways, go and check their blog!)
In the last few weeks I did some cross-stitching for my boy's bibs and towels for kindergarten. Then I finished a little owl I had left half done, I added some cotton and pon-pons ribbon ...and now the owl is in this LO- I did it following sketch #156 by Pencillines (It's their third birthday, there are free tutorials and giveaways, go and check their blog!)

Favoloso Paola!!!
RispondiEliminaSplendido LO e bellissimo quel fiore a punto croce!!! :c: